Thursday, December 28, 2006

Thai Standards of Beauty

Watching TV and seeing adverts everywhere in streets and in magazines in Thailand I find a different kind of Thai than most of the people I have actually seen on the streets. On TV and in Ads, Thais are very white, "typically" Asian-looking, and not exactly special in appearance. On the street I have seen such beautiful people, dark skin, beautiful eyes and features, women with sharp looks and men with strong hands. I feel like there is a beauty standard here that is sought by the entertainment and advertising business which is totally disconnected from the majority of people on the streets whom I find to be far more beautiful. Its like in the US, where there is an image of "the American" that is used in entertainment that is a bit misleading (as if everyone in the country is blond, in perfect shape and had perfect hair all the time) thats what the poor people in the "developing world" get to see.. besides Fear Factor I guess. The truth on the American streets is obviously much uglier.
There is alot of diversity in people in this region of Thailand. So many different kinds of Thais from different backgrounds and origins from all over asia have made their way here and formed their own unique cultures and distictive physical appearances.

on a related topic, I have seen guys with the best haircuts I have seen anywhere I have been. Totally naturally cool! no pretentions. alot of the guys here look like what every hipster and indie-rock boy in New Jersey would pay fortunes at Hot Topic in his local mall to look like. I just wanted to add that note about style.. I dig what I see here... all the way!

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