Saturday, November 11, 2006

tragic error

so fucking John Bolton (the UN rep for the USA, not michael Bolton, the even gayer 80s singer version of Kenny G who also resembles the christ figure found on little cards distributed by evangelical church-goers), he fucking vetoed a UN security council resolution condemning the random killing of 18 civilians in Gaza this week who happen to mostly be women and kids.

many countries see that what happened in Gaza this week was especially disturbing and a clear abuse of military power against civilians, however, fuckin Bolton, for some reason, doesn't agree, and for some reason has the power to veto everyone else.

O, I am sorry, (and I do love my jewish friends this has nothing to do with that, please spare me the typical dump american confusion between jewish and israeli military) but maybe with this kind of shit happening all the fucking time, a fucking missile landing in a fucking residential area near the border which just happens to be mostly inhabited by US citizens from Brooklyn (becuase they just had to go there and make the situation worst), maybe that is also a tragic error.

I don't understand how a planned military attack on apartment buildings, and the recent targeting of a daycare and small clinic (serving pregnent women), how is that a tragic fucking error you fucking michael bolton fuck, I fucking don't like you and what you represent.

I'm not angry, just like to sound tough. fuckers

in other news, what the fuck is up with these idiots.. hahaha, please check out their idiocy at
its classic.

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