Wednesday, July 26, 2006

khawalat eh?

I had such a good time in cairo that I am planning to go back for a month in the spring!! but oh my allah egypt is so gay!! from my siwan experiences to hearing stories from friends about falluca sex and fallucca 17 year old masterbating to orgies at the marriot and stories of military showers full of used condoms every morning left from the night before, oh my god this place is out of control.. also the exchange of eye contact is very intense with men on the street and how can I forget the security guy in siwa, the taxi driver in cairo and the waiter in alexandria all of whome made clear sexual offers to yours truely.. the best was on my night out with my cousin and friends in alex where hazem, one of the guys, was clearly in love with my cousin and I knew right away that he was a team player just by looking at him, we later bonded. even walking on the courniche in alex, especially on the bridge in stanley there was some serious cruising going on.
but the best was meeting jack.
I will be living on an island off cap d'agde in the south of france for three weeks starting on my birthday. no electricity, no running water, no internet and no disco.. just me and 11 others!! so exciting and hot oh I cant wait. here is a picture of my home for those three weeks. right now I am in Nice trying to get my life together before its too late. I just bought my third camera this summer.. I gotta go get a conference paper done.

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