Thursday, February 01, 2007

Nippon - incomplete report

already back, its difficult to think back even just as far back as two days since the actual travel ended. coming home always feels the same, it makes what happened abroad seem unreal, which in retrospect, it usually is.
japan is ... hard to explain I guess.. we did it the right way by going direct to Kyoto then Osaka then Tokyo, making it from a smaller less hectic city to a medium one then a bigger one. biggest surprise in japan was the food: SOOO GOOOOOOD!! and nothing really like what we think of here as Japanese food, as a matter of fact we had to look for sushi, Japanese food happens to be far more exciting and tasty than what we think of it here. Other surprise: Japanese people are sooo nice!!! and down to earth!!! I didn't really expect that to be honest. What wasn't a surprise is that standard of living is very high, these people are generally very privileged. the cheapest coffee is starbucks and there is a very high volume of dior and chanel clothes worn by seemingly normal people. despite the high high standard in dressing and eating, people are so nice. this only brings to mind how things in the states re very very different. it maybe possible to find gourmet supermarkets like dean & deluca to find something close to what is totally standard in Japan but once you step into a dean & deluca it suddenly feels oppressively elitist. at the same time you get people who act snobbish for shopping at whole foods (very sad, if only they knew what is available out there in places like japan) but there are those who think that sporting a starbucks coffee cup is a status symbol (again the cheapest coffee besides Macdonald's coffee in japan) and finally those who justify acting like total bitches because they shop at banana republic or some shit like that (hilarious) THANK GOD, BUDDHA AND ALLAH that people in japan are just better, and these things don't get to them.

However, they are not perfect either. obsession with living their roles as consumers is a bit too much for me to handle. girls go way over board in their 'baby doll' image. they actually have eye-widening surgeries, etc...

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